Trout Fishing In Hawaii
Guide to fishing for rainbow trout in local lakes and streams.
Trout Waters

The purpose of this page is to share basic information about trout fishing and identify trout fishing waters in the state. Hawaii has limited trout fishing. The only recorded trout are rainbow trout, which are now in Kōke‘e Public Fishing Area.

Fishing For Rainbow Trout
Rainbow trout are one of the most fished for trout species in the state, and can be found in numerous Hawaii lakes and rivers. Known for its tasty pink flesh, rainbows are a favorite among the vast majority of trout anglers in the state. It also appeals to the fly fisherman as it can be caught on flies as well as other small baits and lures. It feeds on small insects, minnows, crustaceans and worms. It is ideal for both sport and dining pleasure. More...
Pure cold water is key to survival of the trouts and the water in Hawaii streams, ponds, lakes and rivers is typically too warm for all but the rainbows. Even for the rainbows conditions are marginal at best
Watch trout fishing videos to see trout anglers in action.
The 5 primary trouts are the rainbow, brook, brown, cutthroat and lake trout. Browns are considered the most difficult to catch and brookies are the easiest. Pure cold water is key to survival of the trouts.
Hawaii Record Trout
The state record rainbow trout was caught out of Kawaikoi Stream.
Additional trout information
Click the images and links above for species details.
Select the best trout lures and baits
Trout spinners, crankbaits and jerkbaits work well for shallow, reasonably active fish. Salmon eggs, worms and prepared baits will work at virtually all depths.
Trout locations and info, by state.