Vermont Fishing Organizations
Join a local fishing club
These fishing organizations are headquartered in Vermont, or have affiliated membership activities here. By participating in fishing organization functions one can learn valuable information about fishing in general as well as specific information about fishing in your area.
Fishing clubs and organizations in VT
Vermont Regulatory Agencies
Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife
Vermont Fishing Clubs & Tournaments
Chittenden County Bassmasters
Vermont's oldest Bass Fishing Club. TBF affiliated. 8 club tournaments, 3 opens per season. As a member of CCB you are giving yourself the opportunity to fish with some of the most experienced tournament fishermen in the state. We have a lot of fun and catch a lot of fish.
Vermont Youth Fishing Information
Kids Fishing Events - Vermont Fish & Wildlife
Support Vermont organizations that promote the sport of fishing, safety and conservation.
Connect with fishing organizations, by state.