Fishing For Other Species In Wyoming
Guide to fishing for northern pike, sauger and tiger muskie in Wyoming.

This state offers unique fishing opportunities. Listed below find information about these species of fish, found in Wyoming waters.
Larger lakes across the state, with some of these miscellaneous fish populations, may include Boysen Reservoir, Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Glendo Reservoir, Grayrocks Reservoir, Guernsey Reservoir, Keyhole Reservoir, Lake Hattie Reservoir, Ocean Lake and others.
Other Available Species
Northern pike
World record: 55 lbs 1 oz
State Record: 27 lbs 4 oz
Tiger muskie
World record: 51 lbs 2 oz
State Record: 29.37 lbs
Click the images and links above for species details.
Check out the Northern Pike Fishing page to get tips, tactics and methods for catching more pike. Also visit the top producing northern pike lures page to assist in selecting the best baits. The Muskie Fishing page offers methods, tips and tactics. Also view the page revealing the top producing lures for catching musky and tiger musky.
Wyoming Miscellaneous State Record Fish
The state record northern pike was taken out of Keyhole Reservoir.
The state record tiger muskie was taken out of Grayrocks Reservoir.
Information on fishing for unique species, by state.