Indiana Fishing Organizations
Join a local fishing club

These fishing organizations are headquartered in Indiana, or have affiliated membership activities here. By participating in fishing organization functions one can learn valuable information about fishing in general as well as specific information about fishing in your area.
Fishing clubs and organizations in IN
Indiana Regulatory Agencies
Indiana Division of Fish and Wildlife
Indiana Fishing Clubs & Tournaments
Indiana Youth Anglers
We help all youth in the state of Indiana learn more about fishing. We keep you up to date about all of the local fishing tournaments in your area. We will also compete in tournaments and promote our organizations name.
Alex Breeden
Kayak Fishing Association
Darryl Sutton - 317-856-0615
Kayak fishing of all types in Indiana and beyond
Indiana Youth Fishing Information
Indiana Bass Federation Youth Fishing
Click here for a Indiana Fishing License.
Support Indiana organizations that promote the sport of fishing, safety and conservation.
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