Montana Fishing Clubs & Organizations
Join a local fishing club
These fishing organizations are headquartered in Montana, or have affiliated membership activities here. By participating in fishing organization functions one can learn valuable information about fishing in general as well as specific information about fishing in your area.
Fishing clubs and organizations in MT
Montana Regulatory Agencies
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
Montana Fishing Clubs & Tournaments
The Bass Federation of Montana, Inc.
George Reidel - 406-748-3085
We are comprised of affiliated Bass fishing clubs in Montana and our Federation is affiliated with The Bass Federation, Inc., which in turn is associated with FLW Outdoors, Inc. We support conservation, Youth fishing programs and offer the opportunity for the weekend angler to participate in Bass fishing tournaments on some of the best Bass fishing venues in Montana as well as the chance to advance to Regional events to compete against other anglers in our Region and the rest of the United States.
Montana Youth Fishing Information
Fly Fishing Montana Youth Fishing Program
Support Montana organizations that promote the sport of fishing, safety and conservation.
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